Shungite rocks are believed to have positive effects on the body and the system of the internal organs, particularly those that are shaped in the form of a pyramid. As a result, they are able to create a positive and protective biofield around themselves in a radius that reaches up to five meters and more.
The range of influence is dependant on the size and shape of the Shungite Object. The smaller the object the smaller the range is. The larger (in particular the mass) the object the larger the range. Pyramids shape tend to make the influence range larger than a sphere.
Please see the following for the suggested influence ranges of the Shungite rocks when placed in a neutral zone.
We have also included the HIGH pyramids. These were not available to be tested at the time the book was written, but due to the enormous mass difference compared to the smaller Giza shaped pyramids, the influence range is thought to be about 1.5 times that of the Giza pyramids.