This post contains some background and uses of Shungite.
Shungite is a black, lustrous mineraloid discovered near Shunga village, in Karelia, Russia, from which it gets its name. It is a mineraloid containing more than 98 percent carbon.
The stone contains trace amounts of fullerenes (0.0001 < 0.001%). Fullerenes have amazing life-enhancing properties due to their unique molecular structure. There is only one natural mineral that contains fullerenes, shungite.
It has been documented since the 16th century that Shungite has healing properties. The Russian soldiers carried Shungite stones to heal wounds and purify water under Peter the Great’s rule. In 1713, Peter decreed that the first Russian spa would be built on Shungite springs.
You can read more of the benefits of Shungite here and history of this wonderful stone in our other blog here.
These are a few uses of Shungite

There is a lot of scientific research to suggest that Shungite lessens harmful EMF radiation. Shungite appears to transform these harmful man-made EMFs into wave forms that are more biologically compatible with our human form. It does this not by eliminating, but by changing the properties of the harmful radiation. Remember this phrase, it changes the “quality” not the “quantity” of the radiation.

Shungite has been used for centuries as a water purifier, disinfectant, and an overall healing mineral. Its complex chemical composition of carbon-based fullerenes is what give Shungite its amazing properties. It will eliminate almost all harmful organic compounds and micro-organisms (including pharmaceuticals and pesticides), heavy metals, chlorine, bacteria and nitrates, removing the horrible chemical taste found in modern day tap water. Fullerenes, have a proven unique ability to act as long-lasting antioxidants that prevent cell damage by neutralising free radicals.

Shungite seems to affect most powerfully the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Chakras. It is believed to support physical and emotional balance and increase mental clarity, dissipating destructive thoughts and spiritual imbalances. Powerful grounding and protective energies make Shungite one of the best choices for balancing the lower energy centres of the body.