What is Shungite?
This wonderful material is found only in one area of the world, in the Shun’ga area, Shun’ga village, Lake Onega in the Karelia Republic, a northern region of Russia. This is where the Shungite name comes from.
No one knows exactly how Shungite came about, it is after all, over 2 billion years old and predates humans by a long way, but there are two theories about how it was formed. Firstly, scientists have theorised that it was formed after a massive meteorite hit the earth, but there is no evidence to support this. The other theory is that it was formed from fossilised organic material from sediments which date back to the Precambrian period, around the time the Earth began to form. Both are plausible, none are proven. But do we care? Not really, we have been gifted with this wonderful material and that for me, is enough.
Karelian history tells of the healing benefits brought to the locals who consumed the spring water. The Tsar, Peter the Great (1672-1725) championed its benefits, encouraging his troops to consume the water. While his troops enjoyed good health, other troops were suffering from dysentery and gastroenteritis. A great testament to the cleansing and filtering properties of Shungite.
Fullerenes are a carbon structure that were not discovered in the scientific world until 1985. Naturally occurring Fullerenes were found in the Shungite from Karelia in 1992. To date they have not been found to naturally occur anywhere else. This gives Karelian Shungite its special properties.
There are various ways to harness the benefits of Shungite. Wearing as a pendant, bracelet or other jewellery is a great way, or simply keep a piece in your pocket or purse. This is a highly recommended way to wear Shungite and is also 100% safe.
For fighting Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs) it is recommended to keep Shungite close to electrical devices, especially microwaves, DECT phones, laptops and wi-fi routers. Shungite is also a very grounding mineral and is beneficial to first, second and third chakras. It will help you focus on your connection to the earth, helping you feel grounded. It will also help you eliminate negative thoughts and dissipate negative energies.